Marketing strategies constitute one of the key functional strategists that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) adopt to enhance performance. The objective of this study was to assess SMEs marketing performance, mediating role of marketing strategies. The study employed description research design because it describes and explains the link between marketing strategies and SMEs marking performance.
In adopting a case study method in a research, the selection of the research size is very important. With this in mind, Ashanti region was selected for the study. But in order to conduct a successful, research, 160 SMEs and respondents were selected in the Kumasi metropolitan. The researcher employed descriptive statistics in describing the variables. Also, the data was collected from the respondents using questionnaires. The study revealed that, Market Segmentation strategy was the key determents of marketing performance of SMEs in Ghana. The study further reveals that there is a positive relationship between marketing segmentation and marketing performance of SMEs and negative relationship between competitive strategies, growth strategies on marketing performance of SMEs in Ghana. The study recommends that, SMEs should establish clear performance goals and other tracking measures to ensure that the selected strategies are effective.
Also, the SME‘s must be given orientation about the marketing strategies to enhance SME‘s marketing performance in Ghana.