Pragmatically, there has been hot debate on the way Cocoa industry is managed in Ghana. These problems, mostly ethical
in nature relate to Cocoa Purchasing and Transportation. Social Consumers have argued these out from Christian and
Biblical perspectives such as proverbs 11:1. Christian critics in the industry argue that their career in the industry raises a
lot of ethical and moral questions .These include not only the integrity and objectivity of the measuring instrument used in
measuring the commodity from the producers level, but also the monopolization of cocoa exports and lack of new value
creation activities in the industry as well as streamlining the activities of handling losses through the transportation of the
raw materials to their points of conveyance. One will however, envisage that Christian organizations have not wholly been
involved in the establishment of firms in Cocoa industry as commonly observed in financial and educational sectors in
Ghana where, many of such firms belong to several religious organizations. The carefulness and integrity of these
honorable Christian men and women in tempering with the controversial measurement scale as per the policies of the
License Buying Companies (LBCs) have been questioned because the fragility of the industry makes people so
susceptible to dishonesty and corruption which create a lot of ethical issues. According to a UK Department for
Environmental, Rural and Food Affairs (DEFRA), more than half of consumers in the country said they will not try to buy
products whose ethics they disagree with.
The objective of this study is to assess the ethical issues and current innovations on cocoa purchases in relation to the
controversial scale and to understand the reasons for lack of value added creation activities. The methodology involved