Exorcism, which is mainly the act of driving out of demons and/or evil spirits from people, is a common practice in contemporary Ghanaian Christianity. In Christianity, the practice of exorcism is usually aimed at freeing people who are under the bondage of Satan and to help them live a life that God intended for them. In exorcism and or deliverance services, there are many acts or formulas that are used to exorcise demons. Some of these include flagellation, anointing with oil etc. This article basically focuses on the imposition of hands during exorcism. By employing a hermeneutical approach, the study examines the practice of laying on of hands during exorcism in the light of scripture. The study looks at a brief historical background of Christianity in Ghana and discusses the processes through which the practice of exorcism became very prominent in Ghanaian Christianity. The study also samples opinion of some practitioners of healing and deliverance and their views on the practice of laying on of hands during exorcism. The views of the practitioners are discussed and analyzed in the light of Jesus’ own examples in the scriptures. We argue that even though the practice of imposition of hands is not entirely out of place in scripture, the practice seem to have seldom taken place in the Lord’s own example in dealing with similar situations. It is therefore imperative for Christians to come terms with reality and find biblically balanced ways of addressing issues that confront our faith and practice.