The agonizing global combat in every individual human being, spouses, family members, race, communities, tribes, ethnic groups, nations, religions, political parties, and various corporate institutions triggers lustful desires, divorce, depression, discrimination, health hazards, financial depletion, and suicide in diverse ways among other inhumane acts call for immediate attention of the entire human race. Unfortunately, conferences, seminars, workshops on reconciliation and peace at global, national, community, and family levels have never found the real cause of this global combat. This article unveils a detailed information about the cause of this combat, personalities involved in this combat, the initiator of this deadly combat, divine and devilish armors that are used in this war, and two human anatomic organs that are foundational combat zones being manipulated by Satan in his aggressive battle against humanity. Finally, the antidote to live a persistent and victorious Christian life in this global combat is recommended in this article.