Ghana’s urban population has been increasing in an unprecedented manner over
the last thirty years. The !""" Population and Housing Census indicated that the
nation’s urban population was #$ percent of total population (Ghana Statistical
Service, !""!). Estimates in !""% showed an increase of % percent (that is, to #&
percent). It has further been estimated that by !"!% Ghana’s urban population will
be *$ percent of the total national population (UNHABITAT, !""&). However, the
distribution of this population is skewed towards Accra, Kumasi, Sekondi-Takoradi
and Tamale, which experts indicate will represent ## percent out of the estimated
*$ percent urban population. The !""" Population and Housing Census indicated
that Kumasi has a population of +,+/+,""" people. Despite the fact that the !"+"
Population and Housing Census results is not out, current estimates put the City’s
population at about +,&!*,""" (UNHABITAT, !""&). It has further been estimated
that Kumasi’s population will reach !,**/,""" by !"!% as indicated in Table %.+
(UNHABITAT, !""&).