Team work has become an essential tool emphasized by most of the companies today as one of the key ingredient leading to
increasing corporate performance reflecting in high margin over competitors. The term has been incessantly mentioned theoretically
by many social psychologists in the 1940s including the British interdisciplinarian Eric Trist, deputy chairman of the Tavistock
Institute in London as one of the most important ways in which work can being reorganized . This new breed of work team is a whole
different animal and call for further research because Organizations are now using teams to perform task that formerly belong to
supervisors and middle level managers. This research took a theoretical approach and critically analyzed the very key important
influencing factors in team environments. It discussed team work from many practical institutions that displayed “tremendous sense
of fun, and that have realized distinct successes from Team strategies. It’s revealed that factors such as education, professionalism,
simplicity, repertoire, commitment, innovation and repertoire nonconformity were common to both an ideal organizations and
organizations where individualism and teamwork’s strategies are mostly emphasized. Based on patterns of these influencing factors,
recommendation for future researchers and actions are suggested.