The Christian climate in Ghana is characterized by different forms of denominations which are currently grouped as Protestant, Pentecostal, Charismatic and Neo-prophetic churches. The charismatic churches after its emergence in the late 1970s have spread to many parts of the country. Mostly, they are often seen in the cities and town with their mega church buildings. Despite their influence in the cities as a result of active membership, they mostly not seen in the villages.1
However, this newest form of Ghana’s new Christianity, the neo-Pentecostals or the charismatic’s which emerged in the late 1970s, has had an indelible mark on Christianity in Ghana. These new churches which emerged in the late 1970s with much vitality and fervour characterized by massive evangelism campaigns and revivals started drawing members of the old existing church. At the time that the charismatic churches emerged, the old mission churches for their long existence in the nation had not fully met the needs of the people especially in the area of spiritual or power encounter. Spiritual things were given little or no attention. Individual gifts and talents were also not given full expression.2 The charismatic movement therefore, came as a liberationist movement, and a response to it was more of a spontaneous response to the needs of people which gave a desire to freely express one’s conviction and also see to the speedy conversion of souls