Leadership trends in Ghana have areas of both similarities and differences. The differences are seen in the different titles, positions and responsibilities assigned by leaders in the various churches. There are also differences in the systems of administration from one church to another. Leadership is important for any organization that desires to grow and achieve its purpose of existence. Scholars emphasize the importance of leadership in different ways. George Barna after spending 15 years in researching all facets of American life concludes, “Nothing is more important than leadership”.1 John Maxwell also postulate that, “everything rises and falls on leadership”.2 These statements mean that no church, ministry, organization, or group can be successful without effective leadership. George Barna defines a Christian leader as follow: a Christian leader is someone who is called by God to lead; leads with and through Christ-like character; demonstrate the functional competencies that permit effective leadership to take place.3 In this definition George Barna emphasizes that every Christian leader possesses three distinct but related qualities. These qualities together combine to make somebody a leader. That is the leader is called by God, possess Christ-like character, and also functional competencies or skills