Since the 1970s, women have taken leadership positions in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) such as presbyters, deaconesses, catechists, lay preachers and ministers. They embark on developmental projects in the church, and generally, participate fully in almost all aspects of the church’s activities. Women in the PCG are playing contemporary roles other than performing only the traditional roles that society prescribed to them. The Presbyterian Church of Ghana has a mission which all her members aspire to achieve. The PCG’s Mission calls on the church to involve women in the social, economic, and political aspects of life. The PCG Mission statement has this fundamental goal: “to uphold the Centrality of the Word of God and through the enablement of the Holy Spirit; pursue a holistic ministry so as to bring all of creation to glorify God”. It continues with the following:
I. Mobilizing the entire Church for Prayer
II. Improving Growth through Evangelism and Nurture
III. Attaining Self-Sufficiency through Effective Resource Mobilization
IV. Promoting Socio-Economic Development through advocacy and effective delivery of Social Services.
V. Upholding the Reformed Tradition; and
VI. Cherishing partnership with the worldwide body of Christ.1