This thesis examines the effects of centralized leadership in Divine Fresh Anointing Church using Jethro’s advice as a premise. The thesis notes that, the Divine Fresh Anointing Church initially began as a Charismatic church but now there is a stunted growth of the church due to centralized leadership. The thesis further explores the nature of leadership as well as centralized leadership. The implication of Jethro’s advice was also considered. The research reveals that, the Jethro’s advice in Exodus 18:19-21 is a vital pre-requisite and relevant in our contemporary leadership. The researcher used purely qualitative approach because researcher was highly optimistic that this would give him a credible source of information. Also, the researcher used phenomenological approach because of his personal knowledge and four years association with the church. Furthermore observation by this research clearly shows that the church has not fared well in development because of its leadership. Also some Christian leaders fail to delegate because of fear and trust. Others also claim that delegation hasten the implementation of policies. The researcher recommends that leaders should delegate work to men of ability, piety and honour. Again Christian leaders should not be power drunk. All the powers for making important decisions in the organization should not be centred on the leader alone, but rather subordinates should be involved in the decision making progress. At the end of the work, it revealed that Christian leaders who do not delegate cannot achieve much.