In recent times, concern has been raised in connection with the increasing rate of divorce in Ghana. Most of these concerns emanate from religious circles which hold a belief that marriage is supposed to be lifelong commitment and mutual intimacy experience. From the Christian perspective marriage is a God designed and ordained institution supported by Genesis 1:27-28 .This text presupposes that marriage is good and that should be sustained. The second chapter of Malachi tells us that God hates divorce. The Holy Bible leaves no double that marriage is for life; separation and divorce are contrary to God’s Order.1
However, some societies perceive marriage as a contract between two individuals, which can be dissolved if there is Sufficient Cause. With such a limited view of marriage it is natural for society to find all kinds of excuses to dissolve marriage relationship and even to enter into marriage on a trial basis to see how it will work out.
Undeniably, marriage is the most basic and influential societal unit in the world. It is difficult to rate divorces in Ghana, yet each year statistics roughly shows that there are about half as many divorces as marriage. In view of this, it behooves us to consider the biblical basis for divorce and remarriage.