There are conflicting views among the church in Africa especially Ghana on homosexuality. There are those who think homosexuality is condemned, there are those who think otherwise. The two passages on same-sex relations found in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 have been perhaps the most classic biblical text used to argue against homosexuality by African Christians. The issue raised a lot of questions for the church especially the question of biblical interpretation and authority.
This study entails a critical comparison of the views of various theologians and church leaders on Christian participation on homosexual practice. Some common liberal interpretation is that the text says nothing about consensual same-sex activity today. It only condemns same-sex religious prostitution in pagan temples. The most common conservative Christian interpretation is that the verse condemns homosexual behaviour of all types including consensual sex between two adults and monogamous sexual activity within a committed relationship.
In this study the researcher examines Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 with the hope that it will assist the African Christians to re-construct his or her perspective on the subject, homosexuality. The study involves the exegesis and analysis of Leviticus 18:22 and
20:13 looking at the background and the Holiness Code. The Old Testament law comprised of those guidelines and statutes given by God. The law can be sorted into three main categories – Moral Laws, Civil Laws and Ceremonial Laws. Some Christians believe all the Old Testament laws are still relevant to all aspects of society. Most Christian theologians however agree that Christians are not required to fulfill the Civil and Ceremonial Laws. Many however believe the Moral Laws are still active. On the
basis of this homosexuality as Moral Law is believe to be in force for Christians. In both of these verses Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 we find homosexual behaviour described as toèbah in Hebrew usually rendered detestable thing, loathsome thing, abomination.
The researcher finds out that the bible condemns homosexual behaviour alongside with many sins including hatred, pride, adultery and self- righteousness. The church must therefore not abandon the Biblical position.