The study has been designed to analyze the sources of Internally Generated Funds and its contributions; evidence from Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly.
The purpose of the study is to acquire in-depth knowledge about the various sources of Internally Generated Funds (IGF) and to clarify our understanding of problems associated with the assembly’s revenue generation.
The researchers conducted interviews and questionnaires were designed to assembly members, unit committee members and opinion leaders in the metropolis. Beside the questionnaires, existing records from K.M.A. were used to analyze IGF’s contributions to the metropolis.
IGF contributed almost 12% to the total funding of projects undertaken by the assembly. Citizenry are not well informed about the relevance of paying taxes to assembly.
The researchers made the following conclusions; there should be provision of appropriate logistics and incentives to revenue collectors who exceed their targets. There should be sanctions for tax payers who default.
Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly is the highest political authority in the Metropolis and was established by L.I.1614 of 1995 under the local government law 1988, PNDC Law 207, which is now replaced by the local government ACT 462 (1993). This gave real meaning of decentralization in Ghana. The L.I.1604, which was amended as L.I.1805, 2005 guides, directs and supervises all other administrative authority in the Metropolis.
One of the fundamental roles of the Central Government is to mobilise revenue to provide the basic needs of the people. The Central Government cannot pursue this objective alone and has created local arms to help implement some of her programmes leading to the well being of her citizens.