In the ever-evolving landscape of theological discourse, the
intersection of ancient texts and contemporary issues remains a
perennial focal point. It is within this dynamic space that A Study
of Amos and Hosea: Implications for African Public Theology finds
its resonance and purpose. Amidst the complexities of modern
African society, the prophetic messages of Amos and Hosea
reverberate with a timeless urgency. Rooted in the socio-political
contexts of their time, these prophets courageously spoke truth to
power, denouncing injustice, oppression, and moral decay. Their
impassioned pleas for social justice and ethical renewal resonate
with striking parallels to the contemporary African experience.
The book is organized in eight chapters. The first chapter
focuses on how prophecy emerged and developed in ancient Israel.
The next three chapters deal with the background and theology of
Amos which centers around the Yahweh’s justice and
righteousness. Chapters Five to Seven bring out the message of
Hosea within his religious, economic, cultural and political
contexts. Finally, the study draws out lessons for African public
theology in areas such as politics, economics, and environmental
The book is written in simple English to facilitate
comprehension. It is my hope that this book will serve as a catalyst
for dialogue, introspection, and social engagement. May the
prophetic voices of Amos and Hosea continue to challenge and
inspire us as we strive towards the realization of a more just,
compassionate, and equitable society