One of the major challenges facing contemporary Ghanaian Christianity is
ineffective discipleship. Consequently, Christianity has little influence on the moral
life of its adherents. No wonder Ghana has a high Christian population, yet
corruption and wickedness abound in its societies. The priorities of many
contemporary Christians have shifted from the pursuit of the kingdom of God and
its righteousness to the accumulation of material wealth, the pursuit of upward
social mobility and the fixation on earthly gratification, among others. To avert the
situation, there is the need for the church to teach biblical principles that will raise
disciples of resilient faith for this and generations to come. By drawing out some
principles from the Matthean Beatitudes (Matt 5:3-12) as a paradigm for
contemporary Christian discipleship, the article sought to contribute to the church’s
efforts in dealing with discipleship challenges of current times and beyond. The
main argument of this study was that the Christian disciple is called to be different
from worldly people in both ethical behaviour and piety. This call to be set apart
involves a call to recognise the reality of God’s kingdom; a call to be alongside the
poor and sinners; and a call to participate in God’s kingdom community.
Keywords: Beatitudes, Christianity, Discipleship, Nzema.