The idea of Christian spirituality and relevance for the life of every Christian cannot be
overemphasized. Since the early days of Christianity, individuals have embarked on many
pilgrimages for the purposes of strengthening their relationship with God and growing in the power
of His Spirit. Some also, embark on Christian pilgrimages for the very purposes of, wanting to be
closer with God in their relationship with Him. Particularly, this study focuses on the Atwea
mountains as a sacred place. The study, mainly, discusses the challenges that confront the
management of the Atwea Mountains as a sacred place. Since, its inception as a place of God’s
presence in Ghanaian Christianity, thousands of pilgrims embark on spiritual journey on the
mountains every year. However, this massive development in terms of the number of pilgrimages that
climb to the top of the mountain is not without challenges. This study investigates and proposes a
number of ways through which some of these challenges can be managed. The study employs a
phenomenological approach as a methodology in analyzing the issues that emerges in the study.
Again, the study also discusses the Atwea Mountains as a sacred place. In drawing data extensively
through observation and interviews from the various leaders of the camps on top of the mountains,
the study outlines a number of challenges that confront the management of the place, and the various
strategies that could be employed to deal with the situation.