This study was carried out to ascertain factors influencing employee performance in small
and medium enterprises in Kumasi Metropolis. Three variables were identified, namely: firm related, employee-related, and job-related factors as the factors that influence employee
performance. The study used a descriptive and correlational research design to study the
phenomenon. Data was collected by the use of a questionnaire. Two hundred and eighty
questionnaires were distributed to respondents. However, the researchers were able to
retrieve 150 completed questionnaires. The response rate was considered to be adequate and
representative to allow generalizations of the findings. The data collected and analysed
indicates that a large proportion of the employees agree that employers support them in the
performance of their work. With that, it influences the organisation positively to improve the
work performance of the organisation. Supervisors also have a direct hand in the performance
of employees at the workplace according to the findings. The decision taken by supervisors
will affect the performance of the employees and the organisation as a whole. Under the
indicators, it is clear that skills on the job lead to a high level of job performance, and also job
environment satisfies social needs according to correspondents. Based on the study and
findings, employers need to listen and consider the views of the employees when it comes to
influencing the work performance of the employees which in long run will improve the
achievement of the organisation.