This project work which seeks to find challenges of the tax administration in the Kumasi was used as a case study.
The main purpose of the study was to find out the benefits of tax payers, problems of tax administration in Kumasi.
The researcher used questionnaire and interviews to gather data for the study.
The findings were that tax administrators lack adequate logistics in their supervisory and monitoring roles.
A number of findings were made. Some are; the VAT staff having or no knowledge in accounting and taxation, no motivation and training of staff, tax payers unable to keep proper records, educational level of majority of tax payers being very low.
The research work was constrained with the following limitations; limited time of respondents due to the demanding nature of their work. They couldn’t give out detailed information, unwillingness of the Local VAT Service officers to give out certain information which they deemed to be confidential; the semi- structured form of interview technique we used limited our ability to access all the important information that we needed from the officers of the VAT Service.
It is recommended among others that the challenges revealed are real and that if the recommendations made are adhered to, the challenges of tax administration will be minimized.
A tax is a compulsory levy imposed by the law-making body of a country or by a decree that is enforceable by law. In Ghana, a tax is a compulsory levy on a person, imposed by an enactment of the parliament of Ghana” Nsor-Ambala, (2008). The inhabitants of every nation ought to contribute towards the support of the government in proportion to their respective abilities; that is in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state” Smith, (1776). By these assertions, it is clear that taxes are now seen as compulsory extractions that involve personal obligations for common public purposes. The government needs new taxation tools and promotion of taxation culture to materialize the targeted goals. This therefore led to the introduction of VAT in March 1995. VAT proved burdensome and inconvenient to retailers, hence the introduction of the VAT Flat Rate Scheme.
The VAT Flat Rate Scheme is a VAT collection/accounting mechanism that applies a marginal tax rate of 3%, representing the net VAT payable on the value of taxable goods supplied. It is an alternative to the invoice-credit method (or standard VAT System) which charges a given percentage on sales (in this case 3%) for each transaction without recourse to input tax deduction.
The focus of our study is to find out whether the implementation of the VAT Flat Rate Scheme has seen any improvement with regards to its contribution to government revenue, the challenges it is facing since its implementation and the possible solutions to rectify the situation.