The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which Christianity influences the reformation and reintegration of juvenile offenders in Ghana. The study focuses on juvenile inmates serving various terms at the Senior Correctional Center, Accra.
The research design adopted for the study is an exploratory one with heavy reliance on qualitative research methods. This is because the researcher wants to go farther than inmates ticking just factors that made them commit various crimes. As methods of data collection, the quantitative research makes use of the face-to-face interviews, narration, diary keeping, and field notes taking. The study also makes use of participatory observation and focus group discussion.
This study discovered that the reformation programs (vocational and technical skill training, counseling, moral training and formal education) did not have any positive impact on the juvenile offenders. The study establishes a significant relationship between the treatment programs and the training or professionalism of the officers at the center. It notices that the level of professionalism among the officers was unfavorable towards the implementation of the training programs. This therefore rendered the reformation of the young offenders ineffective.
The study also reveals that the involvement of faith based organizations especially the church (Christianity) in the reformation of the young offenders have not been impactful.
Based on these findings, collaborations between the churches (Christianity) and the Ghana Prison Service are recommended. Churches should use drama, music, dance and poetry as treatment programs. These were found to be creative, fair, effective methods of training them at the centers.