The Ghanaian economy, like all developing economies has a large proportion of business in the small-scale and self-employed group. These people have needs, which are not being satisfied by the traditional banks resulting in a situation of large amounts of funds in the hands of players in this market, thus remaining outside the banking system. It is hope that the Non-Bank Financial Institutions, which comprise various categories of organizations, including rural banks will service this part of the market, which remains outside the traditional banking scope resulting in mopping up of these funds.
How banks and financial institutions have help small and medium enterprises (SME) to mobilize funds as in the course of the business. These funds includes startup capital, plough back profits that are use to start businesses or expand businesses. The study will be centered on the role deposit mobilization organizations are involve in the building of small and medium enterprises in Ghana.
Poverty in Ghana has been increasing from day to day and there has been a major interest in eradicating poverty in Ghana. The existence of rural and microfinance institutions in Ghana have help support about debt cancellation and aid increments as their quota towards realizing this objective. Much still depends on the ability to mobilise domestic resources to achieve self sufficiency. The financial sector is one major sector of Ghanaian economy that needs to be revitalized constantly in mobilising domestic deposits to increase investment funds.